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Spring Into Healthy Eating Habits

Date: 03/13/24

Everyone knows eating healthy is important, but every day challenges can get in the way. The choices we make at mealtime have a large impact on our overall wellbeing. From our physical health to our mental and emotional health, our eating habits make a difference.

This Spring, take the time to stop and really think about your eating habits. What healthy choices do you make, as well as what could be changed for a healthier lifestyle.

Be honest. When you assess your true eating habits, you’re more likely to be able to make and keep healthy changes. Do you find yourself reaching for sweets when you’re stressed? Are you skipping breakfast? Is lunch a quick run to a drive-through?

If you’re unhappy with the way you eat — because you want to change your health, your mood or your body — a good place to start is with getting to know yourself better. Noticing your own patterns can the first step to long lasting change. Don’t forget to give yourself credit for the healthy habits you already make!

Get Support. See if a co-worker, friend or family member is also interested in making healthy changes. Together you can share recipes and advice.

Take notes. Consider keeping a food diary or use an app to track your current eating habits.

Have fun. Suggest activities with friends that aren’t food-focused. Maybe a walk through the park or a night of dancing.

Use add-ons. Add more fruits and vegetables to both your meals and snacks. Whether it’s a sliced banana on your favorite cereal or a salad for lunch, it’s all good!

Make it easy. Keep healthy snacks nearby, like air-popped popcorn or dry-roasted mixed nuts. Or, find a recipe you like and make your own!

Be patient. Know that changing your eating habits will not happen overnight. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a “bad” day. This is about learning new ways to enjoy food and making small changes over time.